An IAM solution in as little as 3-6 weeks that is enterprise-class for the cloud. Capabilities include multi-site disaster recovery and independent non-production environments.
Automated distribution of accounts among heterogeneous systems, dynamic role ordering, access requests processing and governance over user access through workflows for policy enforcement, identity life cycle processes.
Centralized access control and management for sign-on, context sensitive controls for both conventional and multi-factor authorization.
SAML, OAuth and OpenID connect for federal capabilities to provide easy connection of SaaS application.
Easy to turn off and on capabilities for comprehensive cloud-based IAM.
Friendly environment capabilities such as point and click, user configurable apps for registration, password reset, access request, profile management, delegated administration under multi-language branding content.
Integration possibilities include multiple identities, repositories within a single directory/database to more complex procedures such as ERPs, mainframes and HR systems
Reporting systems for comprehensive transactions, ad-hoc capabilities tuned to extract data and intelligence for security and compliance purposes.
Join over a million companies already running on Google Cloud Platform
Build, test and deploy using Amazon's Cloud Infrastructure
Email and web security, security breach protection and full intelligence on log and events with end-to-end firewall protection
Around the clock monitoring by professionals qualified on security issues
Protection from malware penetration with a responsive detection system quick to react
Response system for detecting cloud environment breaches and pre-defined procedures to prevent intrusions